Monday, November 4, 2019

New Release Exclusive! Melany Dress comes with a 6 texture HUD and is fitted for Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, Legacy, Freya, Isis, Venus, Tonic Fine and Tonic Curvy! You can get it only at Designer's Circle during the duration of the event and then at the Mainstore once the event has ended. 
New Release! Jennifer Dress comes with a 6 texture HUD with fitted mesh sizes for Lara, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass and Physique! You can get it at the Mainstore or on Marketplace.

New Release! Maggie Dress comes with an 8 texture HUD and is fitted for Maitreya, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass and Physique! You can get it at the Mainstore or on Marketplace.